ABOUT USスープカレー



厳選した食材からじっくりと丸1日かけて抽出したとても繊細なブイヨンスープに、玉葱をとろとろになるまで炒めてトマトと一緒に煮込んで作る自家製トマトソースと漢方も含む30種類使用したスパイスとターメリックライスが特徴です。 口の中でライスとスープが一体になる感覚がたまりません!
また、ナイフ、フォーク、スプーンがテーブルにセットされていますが、スプーン1本で食べれるように、具材もしっかり下ごしらえされているので、スプーン1本で食べるのが道産子なのです。 イエカンのブイヨンには、日高昆布、大山鶏の鶏ガラ、牛、人参、玉葱、セロリを丁寧に灰汁を取りながらゆっくり煮込み黄金のスープをブイヨンと呼んでいます。
Yc’s soup curry is a very delicate broth that has been slowly extracted from carefully selected ingredients over the course of an entire day. The homemade tomato sauce is made by frying onions until they are caramelised and then simmering them with tomatoes, then seasoned with 30 different kinds of spices including Chinese herbs and turmeric rice. The feeling sensation of rice and soup in your mouth is irresistible. Knife, fork and spoon are set on the table, but the ingredients are well prepared, so that you can do like people from Hokkaido, and eat it with only a spoon. To make Yekan’s bouillon, we use; Hidaka kelp, chicken bones from Daisen chicken, beef, carrots, onions and celery. The ingredients are slowly simmered while carefully removing the lye to make a golden broth.


We purchase whole spices of different origins and carefully grind them at our store to maximise the potential of the spices. Of course, we make adjustments depending on the season.
We use our prefered mix of spices for our masala, and also garam masala for seasoning. Tempering the oil will transfer the aroma of the spices to the soup. The flavour of the spices can be brought out more, depending on the timing of adding them. This will result in a soup curry with a deep and delicious aroma.



スープカレーって…実は美容と健康にもとても良いヘルシーメニューでもあるのです。 一般にスープカレーで使われるスープは、鶏ガラや野菜等を水に入れ加熱、エキスを抽出したもの。これは、西洋料理の技法であるブイヨンやフォン・ド・ボーと酷似しており、非常に繊細なものであることがわかります。
一方、インドカレーは...基本的にスープだけを別にとる事はせず、常にひとつの鍋に食材とスパイスを加えて作られます。 タイカレーやスリランカカレーも同じようなスタイルで作られます。スープだけを別にとる調理法もスープカレーのひとつの特徴と言えるでしょう。また、水を使用することもスープカレーの特徴です。スープカレーと同じようにサラサラとしたスープ状のインドカレー、スリランカカレー、タイカレーもありますが、そのほとんどが、トマト、タマネギなどの野菜や、ヨーグルト、ココナッツミルクなどを水の代わりに使用しています。
Soup curry is actually a really healthy dish, that is also good for beauty and wellbeing. In general, the soup used in the soup curry is made by heating chicken stock and vegetables in water and thereafter extracting them. This is very similar to the Western cooking techniques of bouillon and fond de veau, which are very delicate.
Indian curry, on the other hand... Basically, the soup is never taken separately, but is always made in one pot with ingredients and spices. Thai curry and Sri Lankan curry are made in the same style. One of the characteristics of soup curry is that the soup is prepared separately. The use of water is also a characteristic of soup curry. Indian curry, Sri Lankan curry, and Thai curry are made in the same smooth soup style as soup curry, but most of them use vegetables such as tomatoes and onions, yogurt, and coconut milk instead of water.
About the ingredients... Most soup curries are characterised by the large pieces of vegetables that are used as the garnish. This is very similar to the French home made pot-au-feu. The large pieces of vegetables, that originates from Hokkaido can either be stewed or fried, before being added to the soup curry. This way of cutting and cooking the vegetables, ensure that people can enjoy a variety of textures in one dish, along with being able to eat the different ingredients separately.


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